Unleash Your Creative Genius
Tuesday Jul 23 2024
11:00 AM Pacific Time
1:00 PM Central Time
2:00 PM Eastern Time
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Join Amber Swenor and very special guest Giovanni Marsico for this special 1-hour LIVE experience to Unleash Your Creative Genius!

You'll be guided through activities to unlock your creative genius,
Learn directly from Giovanni, a leading creative visionary and community builder,
ask questions,
meet other creatives,
and have a chance to win a free ticket to The Archangel Summit in Toronto!

Every business, movie, song, world-changing solution to a problem starts with one person's CREATIVITY.

You hold a unique creative genius within you!

Join us for this engaging workshop and uncover your unique gift, unlock your next big idea and Unleash your creative Genius!

 EVEN if...  
you don't see yourself as a creative person

 EVEN if...  you just have the seedling of an idea,

 EVEN if...  
you've "done creative work" before.

This workshop will help you tap into your creativity deeper, and dream bigger than you ever have before! 

Meet Your Creativity Hosts

Amber Swenor
Superpower: Community Connector & Visionary Strategist 

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Amber is the founder of Soul Seed – a global community of visionary leaders and heart-centered entrepreneurs on a mission to live and lead authentically, while bringing their unleashed dreams to life! She's a multi-creative keynote speaker supporting others to "Unleash Who You Came here to Be", a musician in her band Morningstar, leadership and business coach with a specialty in human transformation and brand growth, and best-selling author.

Giovanni (Gio) Marsico
Superpower: Community Builder & Visionary Event Producer

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Giovanni (Gio) Marsico is a creative visionary, CEO and founder of Archangel – a global community of entrepreneurs on a mission to impact millions of people together. He produces his flagship event Archangel Summit every fall in Toronto, Canada for thousands of attendees. He’s also a 2x EMMY award-winning film producer and one of his super-powers is community building, including bringing together more than 250,000 to his unique events!

What to expect
Join us for this 1-hour call to Unleash Your Creative Genius!
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Gain clarity about what your creative super powers are, and what creative project you most want to bring alive next.
Connection & Community
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Meet other creative thinkers! You never know who might become your next creative collab partner!
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Build confidence in your creative genius and be supported to take action. 

 This is for you if: 


You have a cool idea but aren't sure how to.Get It Started 


Struggle with "too many ideas" and looking for support with organizing ideas


You'd like to learn how to think more creatively


You've been feeling a bit burned out or experiencing writer's block (urghh) and looking to re-stoke the fires of creativity


You desire to express yourself more creatively


You have a (so called) "out there idea," (comedy tour, start a fairy parade, write a book, a painted pony party, make a movie (fill in the blank)) but aren't sure how to start, or how it fits into your life/biz, and would love guidance on how to make your Dream Idea into Reality

Find out first-hand what our clients have to say:
 "When Amber started coaching me, I was barely getting by. I went from struggling and getting by on $1,200-$2,000 a month, to consistent $11,000-$13,000 a month in less than a year working with her. This life is something that seemed IMPOSSIBLE to me even a year ago. Without Amber’s help and guidance, I know I’d still be back there somewhere trying to figure it out. She has helped me fast track my success and I cannot recommend the services she provides enough... I can’t imagine how lost and stuck I’d still be if I hadn’t made the investment to do this work." 
— Kate F.
"I made $150,000 more this year because of Amber’s coaching and I'm living so much more joyfully. I have noticed a shift in my business because there’s been a shift in me.

I look back, and years ago I was resistant to receiving this type of coaching help. We all have blind spots, and until I finally took my guard down and allowed this work to happen, and to allow Amber to guide me, I didn’t even know what was possible! You don’t even know how good it can be! ...I can’t speak highly enough about what she has meant in my life and business."
— Nicole B.
 "Amber helped me grow my business but she’s provided me so much more support than that! She has guided me on a journey to becoming more confident and to fulfill my purpose. Her support has helped me become more confident in who I am and has helped me grow my business in a way that feels authentic to me and fits what I want. I’m now in a stronger place to confidently face any challenge moving forward. My business had been plateaued for years, and after working together this is the first time it’s grown in years! Amber helped me become more confident in my brand, and get more serious about sales, budgeting, and steps to strategically build my business. With this foundation in place and the results I’m seeing, I’m motivated to continue working with Amber to grow my business even further than I ever have before!" 
— Amy P.
"When I started working with Amber, I wasn’t earning what I wanted to and had inconsistent revenue, and after six months I more than tripled my revenue.

...Working with Amber has impacted not only my bottom line but helped me feel so much more confident in the foundation of my business and has launched me forward in ways that will stay with me forever!"
— Leila N.
In a world of "norms" it can be difficult to do things differently, however, the world (and your happiness) depends on unleashing your creative genius!
That's Why We Created
This Workshop For YOU.
You will be guided to connect with your innate creativity, unlock the deeply held dreams that you've been desiring to bring to life, and unleash your idea into reality!
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